You will agree with me that toddlers cannot feed themselves without the help of an adult. The amount of food that goes into the belly of a toddler depends on the techniques used by the parent/adult who is feeding him. Any techniques can be used as long as the aim is achieved which is getting him to eat well. While feeding, some parents go as far as singing, laughing or even acting funny in a bid to make their toddler eat. The above may not work for all toddlers, but can work for very many. It is natural for a mother to feel unhappy when she has applied all the techniques she knows how to and still doesn’t get her child to eat enough that would make him healthy and grow well. This gives parents every cause to worry. If you are unsatisfied with the way and manner your toddler eats or you are finding it difficult to get him to eat, then check out if these tips can help your child : 

1. EAT TOGETHER: Watching other family members using their cutlery and eating well can encourage reluctant toddlers to step up their eating game. When your toddler who finds it difficult to eat sees how people around him are eating, they will change the way they eat with time and start practicing to eat like others which is what you will love to see him do. 

2. GIVE BABBIES FINGER FOOD: Learning to eat is part of learning to be independent. They are more likely to eat up if they can take control of meal time and do it by themselves. Because babies love to play which makes them happy, they are likely going to eat more when they are been given finger foods than they would do with solid foods. While they are watching cartoons or playing, they will be nibbling on finger food and will get full in the process. Give them finger foods that are rich in nutrient for their growth.

3. MAKE THEIR FOOD LOOK INTERESTING: If you want your child to eat well, present Inviting meal before your toddler, they get attracted to colours so try as much as possible to make the food  colorful, inviting and attractive. You can garnish it with veggies and proteins; this will increase their appetite and make them eat more than usual.

4. TELL THEM STORIES: You know what makes your child happy, songs or stories they love to hear. Tell your child stories if you want them to eat well and don’t stop until you are sure they have eaten to their satisfaction. Tell them stories and when they ask any question in the process, answer them to make them to continue eating. Your child will grow well if he is well fed and with the right food so if your child finds it hard to eat, use the above techniques and I hope it works.