Annual general meeting for Tawaf charity foundation



This document would not have reached its conclusion without the assistance and technical input of the agencies.that worked on the various sub sectors to carry out conclusion without the assistance and technical input of agencies.that worked on the various sub sector to carry out conclusive surveys in particular the assistance of our stakeholders, volunteer is noteworthy. Our success depends on our ability to generate the necessary resources needed for the implementation of this plan, our capacity to work together, alongside with the proper use of the monitoring and evaluation tools to guide us in our way forward. As we embark on this exciting 5years journey, we recognize that our collective efforts will shape the future of the Tawaf charity foundation and the lives of those we aim to support together,we are poised to make a meaningful difference, and we poised to make a meaningful difference and we look forward to the challenges and successes that lie a head.

Hafsat Ibrahim