Mother and daughter together in the living room reading the bible and discussing religion.



Parents are the major source of learning, there are therefore certain necessary things which parents should consider and be aware of to socialize their children , how to take care of them how to educated them as well as considering the best steps for their education how to influence them in a positive way. Parental support is key to helping kids do well academically.

  1. Visit the School: It’s good to know the location of the main  school , cafeteria, gym, athletic fields, playgrounds, auditorium, and special classes. Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds make it easier for you to connect with your child, also visit   the school website, then you can find information about the  school calendar, staff contact information, upcoming events like class trips, testing dates, sport time, weekly hairdo, the school calendar, staff contact information , upcoming events, testing dates.


  1. Attend Parent-Teacher Association MEETING(PTA):

children do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. Attending PTA is a good way to be a part of your child’s Education. School administrators may discuss school-wide programs and policies, too. Its also a good way to stay informed and to know whats going on in your child’s life . These are usually held most times at the last Saturday of the Month to discuss progress issues so far and also to inform the parents, this will enable you know some pressing issues that needs attention in your child’s life. If your child has special learning needs,you can always contact one of the school teachers for home lessons.

  1. Home work Duties:

Homework  extends classroom learning and helps kids to practice important study skills. It also helps them develop a sense of responsibility and a work ethic that will benefit them beyond the classroom. Always make sure your child  sees  homework as a priority, you can help by creating an effective study environment. Avoiding distractions (like a TV in the background) and game.  While your child does homework, be available to interpret a offer guidance, answer questions, and review the completed work.