The most exciting part of any wedding is seeing the bride! What dress did she choose? What does she look like? We all know she is going to look stunning! Yet we are all super curious to see how stunning she looks. But what really makes a bride stunning? Hint: it’s not her dress, her make-up, or her hair. You can keep thinking but you probably will not guess it. It is the groom.

How? How does the groom in a suit add to the bride’s beauty in anyway? How the groom makes the bride stunning goes far deeper than her appearance. The groom aids the bride’s beauty in how he showers her with affection, how he makes her glow on her special day, how he makes her smile, how he makes her eyes sparkle, and how he lets her have her day. The groom is the reason why the bride is so beautiful.

I am not saying that make-up, a dress, and hair do not make the bride. I am saying that the beauty of the bride comes in large from the happiness given from the groom.
Next time you go to a wedding, or if you have old wedding pictures,look through and see how the bride glows. Now look a little closer at the man by her side. Notice how he treats her as a treasure. Notice the way he lets her be the focal point of the day. Yes, it is the bride’s day, but do not forget how important the groom is in making her feel special.