Apollo and Harmattan – All You Should Know


Apollo is a common eye infection or uncomfortable eye condition that can be caused by infections carried about in the wind which is why it is common during the harmattan period. Medically known as acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, it is a condition where there is an inflammation of the conjunctiva which is a protective membrane that covers the white area of the eye known as the sclera and also lines the eyelid.  Apollo is a very contagious diseases and may affect both eyes and people around because it is air borne. It begins with a very sudden irritation which is in most times painless but uncomfortable.

Some common signs and symptoms of Apollo are redness of the eye, swelling, burning or gritty sensation, water discharge and sensitivity to light. In some cases, the body’s immune system is strong enough to get rid of conjunctivitis in one to three weeks. In cases like that, there is no need for medicinal treatment. However, some cases of Apollo or conjunctivitis requires treatment which if delayed, can become very dangerous and subsequently result in the inflammation of the cornea and loss of vision.

Some of the proven home remedies commonly used for Apollo are:

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a plant which also possesses a lot of health benefits, and it’s commonly used at homes. To use Aloe Vera for Apollo, dip a part of a clean handkerchief in fresh Aloe Vera gel and place it on the affected eye. To make fresh Aloe Vera gel, all you have to do is to squeeze out the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves

Garlic: Garlic has excellent antibiotic effects and can be used to kill infections. To use garlic for your pink eye, peel a garlic clove and make a cut in it. Allow the juice in the clove to come out and apply it on the eyelid of the affected eye. You are probably going to feel a stinging feeling in your eye. This sensation will pass after some time.

Potato: Potato is believed to be a natural astringent i.e. reduces bleeding from minor abrasions. To use it for your pink eye, cut slices of raw potato. Place the small slices on the affected eye for at least twenty minutes. Do this for two or three days to achieve good results.

Turmeric: Turmeric is a good antibiotic, and it can be used to reduce the symptoms of Apollo. Add two tablespoons of turmeric powder to one cup of hot water and mix it. Use a clean cloth or cotton pad to apply it as a compress on the infected eye.

Baking soda: Take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix it in one cup of water. Wash the infected eye with the resulting solution. It reduces pain and discomfort in the affected eye.

Honey: Most people use honey to treat Apollo at home. Honey has a lot of health benefits because of the many properties it possesses. One of its advantages is that it can cure infection quickly because it has antibacterial properties.

How to use it:

Three tablespoons of pure honey are mixed with two cups of hot water.

Allow the mixture to cool down.

After cooling, put some drops of the solution in the affected eye. You can also use the solution to wash your eyes, a minimum of two to three times daily

Also, you can apply it by dipping a clean cloth or cotton pad in the solution and place it on the affected eye for some minutes.

Milk can also be used instead of boiling water.

How to prevent getting Apollo

There are certain prescribe measures that can be taken to prevent contacting Apollo.

Avoid wearing other people’s contact lenses. Also, do not use lenses when you have Apollo.

Washing hands frequently and preferably with soap and warm water.

Changing pillow covers as often as possible.

Avoid sharing handkerchiefs or towels especially with someone that has the infection.

Use a tissue or clean handkerchiefs to clean eyes always instead of using your hands.

Healthy people should avoid contact with an infected person during the course of infection. In the case of children, it is advisable that infected kids should be allowed to stay away from school during the infection.

Apollo is an acute condition i.e. for a short period, and it is self-limiting in healthy people. However, failure to follow hygienic conditions and also carelessness can make it a critical condition. Note that there are many more home remedies that can be used. These are just a few ones that I believe are readily available and affordable to get.

By Mercy Kukah