Common causes of Kidney failure


The kidneys are two bean shaped organs found on the left and right side of the human body. They are the body organs located high in the abdominal cavity which importance cannot be under estimated because they keep the composition or make up of the blood stable thereby enabling the body to function properly.

Kidneys may be small, but they perform many vital functions that help maintain the overall body health, including filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood. There are serious kidney diseases that may lead to complete kidney failure.

Some of the causes of kidney failure are as follows.

  1. Loss of blood flow to the kidney: when blood stops flowing to your kidneys it can prompt kidney failure. There are diseases that cause loss of blood flow to the kidney like: heart attack, heart diseases, dehydration, severe burn, allergy and infection. Kidneys can fail as the side effects of some medications.
  2. Urine elimination problems: the kidney helps to eliminate waste from our body.  When the body cannot eliminate urine, it builds up toxins which overload the kidneys
  3. Alcohol and drugs: there is a lot of a drug that have effects on our kidneys; that is why it’s advisable to take drugs that are only prescribed by the doctor. Alcohol intake also causes kidney failure.
  4. Infection: infections are caused by buildup of bacteria which usually starts with a bladder infection and spreads to the kidney. Infection can be gotten by anyone but women are more prone to it because a woman’s urethra is shorter than a man’s and it’s closer to the vagina and anus, where bacteria live. That means it’s easier for bacteria to get into a woman’s urethra; and once it does, it spread to the kidney as it is close to the bladder.


By Maimuna Bagudu