It’s that time of the week when we get to pick our fashion icon. I know you all are excited as I am because I love fashion, and I know my beautiful readers do too.

Fashion icon is a person who is known for highly being fashionable. And I know you all will agree with me that fashion icon means setting trends and staying stylish for years to come. As a fashion icon it is important to be authentic, diverse and unique in your own special kind of way.

Tozali fashion icon of the week is no other person but Olumoh Habeeb Mobolaji popularly known as Bolaji Sparks.

Bolaji is the CEO of Bolaji Sparks a Nigerian clothing brand that is known for its unique designs and styles. This fashion designer and fashion enthusiast hails from Ilorin, Kwara state and he is the first child out of 6 children. Bolaji is a Muslim and he is known for his humble and calm nature that comes with a smile each time he steps into a room.

A Lawyer by profession with a heart of gold, Bolaji owns a foundation known as Bolaji Sparks foundation. A foundation that takes care of the  less privileged.  Bolaji is a fashion influencer that loves the glamour of the fashion world. For Bolaji, fashion is almost everything, culture and a way of life.

Nothing pays like hard work and our fashion icon of the week is indeed a hardworking young man. He is a husband and a father.