Vaginal steaming is an age-old natural remedy said to cleanse the vagina and uterus, regulate menstruation, and ease period cramps infection and bloating. After receiving high praise the practice has surged in popularity.
Vaginal steaming directs herb-infused steam into your vagina. For a hefty fee, some upscale spas offer the process. You can also do it at home, although most doctors don’t recommend it. The process is pretty simple you just squat over a container of herbal-infused steam.
Herbs that can be used in the combination include:



Gab gab

And du’aul jannah

Following is a suggested method of doing a vaginal steam at home:-
Mix the grinded cloves, gab gab, farce and du’aul jannah together and put small misk inside and mix it with the dorrot scandal. Put your hot coal in a container like (kasko) and add all your mixtures inside. Remove your clothes from the waist down, and wrap a towel around your waist and legs to prevent the steam from escaping. The average steam session lasts between 60 minutes and 1 hour.