Tips to Help You Keep Your Dream Girl


Catching a girl’s eyes is only the first step to a relationship; you have to keep her interested. You can earn a girl’s trust and respect by establishing yourself as a fun, kind and reliable person. Remember all those activities that made you interested in the first place. Trying to prove to your girl that you are the right guy for her does not mean you should stop hanging out with your friends and doing things you enjoy. You can take her along sometimes to hang out with friends; by so doing, you will not only maintain your own identity, you will also always have interesting things to talk about.

 Below are some tips to prove to your girl that you are worth keeping her as your girl:

·         Give her plenty of attention. If you give her attention, she will not seek for attention elsewhere. Chat with her online whenever you are online and she is online, or else another man will. In case you are online and she is not you can invite her online.

·         Listen to her. Give her listening ears whenever she is speaking to you. Avoid any side distraction, like pressing your phone or reading a newspaper, when your girl is talking to you. Give her all the attention and concentration she needs at all time. Ask questions and offer solutions if you can.

·         Do not promise her and fail. Do not go out of your way, because you want to impress your girl. Never promise her what you cannot do. It is better for you to say you don’t have than to promise and fail.

·         Do not be stingy. Avoid telling her that you don’t have all the time. From the little you have, try to meet up with some of her needs without her asking for it. By so doing, she will appreciate the little you offer, and when you don’t have at all, she will definitely understand.

·         Be caring. To be caring does not only mean you should be giving her money. There are many ways of showing care e.g. show concern whenever she is sad or in problem, always be by her side when the need arises.

·         Compliment her regularly. Try not to be predictable, you should be careful not to give her the same “you look beautiful” statement every time because it won’t mean anything to her. Instead, be creative with what you say and how you say it. Always mean what you say.

·         Don’t be too hard and don’t be too soft.

·         Love her siblings, and respect her parents.

·         Appreciate her when she helps you to do something. Saying “thank you” will not make her disrespect you or misbehave.  

·         Respect her opinions and suggestions.

·         Respect her and do not take her for granted for any reason.

·         Do not cheat on her, and she will not cheat on you.

·         Give her pecks on her forehead, cheek and neck.

·         Take care of yourself. Dress, eat and exercise well. Every woman desires to be with a good looking man. So, try your best to be attractive. By so doing your woman will remain attracted to you alone.

 By: Mercy Kukah