Many men and women have complained bitterly about how their partners are ignoring them. Some were able to settle their differences and moved on in the relationship while others have called it quits. However, it has been identified that women suffer this a lot more than the men. The women are most times at the receiving end when the men decide to have a break. There has been little or no way can anyone understand how the woman or man’s mind work, so there is bound to be clashes once in a while.
Therefore here are seven ways in which you can get back the attention of your partner after they have ignored you.
Spend Time Together: Once you notice that your partner is giving you little or no attention, the best thing to do is to first identify the reason then try to spend time together in order to be able to iron things out. By spending time together, you’ll be able to focus on each other. Instead of having to check each other’s social media handles, watch a movie and try to hang out together. Dedicate time for just the two of you to be alone together.
Go on a Date: This is one of the perfect ways to get your partners attention back. All you have to do is tell him/her that you want to hangout and hopefully, he/she will get the hint that you want to set it up. If he/she doesn’t get the hint, then you might have to figure it out yourself. It’ll be a small price to pay to save your relationship if all goes well.
Don’t Nag: This should be the last thing anyone should do when trying to settle a disagreement in a relationship as it will not help you achieve anything. If your boyfriend feels like you’re nagging him to pay more attention, he’ll probably get more upset. To him, it doesn’t sound like a legitimate concern to you but rather like you just want to change. Therefore you should focus on talking to him calmly and seriously about whatever the issue might be.
Follow your partners lead: If your partner is ignoring your texts, don’t ask why he/she is ignoring them. Do the same don’t text again. Don’t call. Don’t insist. Don’t force things. It’s useless. He/she will be more interested when he/she doesn’t hear from you than when you send text after text, trying to get to the bottom of things. Ignoring him/her makes him wonder where you disappeared to. It forms a million questions in his/ her head. It makes you seem like a puzzle he/she will be eager to solve.
Make your partner Jealous: Some can’t be taught to pay attention to their partners. Now, you really shouldn’t necessarily have to teach your partner to take you seriously in the first place. Some partners need a little boost while others will never change.
Try these steps out and if you are lucky, you will have your partner running into your arms again in no time.
By Mercy Kukah