Bigger isn’t always better, especially where bags are concerned! Keep your stuff safe by finding a bag that’s just the right size for you. The bigger the bag, the more you’re likely to cram in it. Not only is a big, heavy bag bad for your back, but it’s bad for your belongings, too.

If your bag is jam-packed full of stuff, there’s a good chance all of that stuff will bang together during your travels, potentially damaging some of your items. The weight from an overstuffed bag may also be damaging to some of the items on the bottom of your bag. Try going with a medium-sized bag, so you won’t be tempted to over pack.

Digging deep: The bigger the bag, the deeper you dig when you’re hunting for your keys, cell phone, iPod, whatever. When you do that, not only are you making a big mess in your bag, but you’re knocking everything together. There’s no way that’s good for all the precious goods you’re carrying.  Look for a smaller bag with divided sections to keep everything in its place.


Big bag, big target: If you carry a giant bag, you might as well walk around carrying a sign that says, “Look at me, I’ve got lots of stuff!” There’s nothing wrong with catching attention, but sometimes it’s better to be a little more discreet where your bag is concerned.

All your goods in one place:  You’ve heard the saying about putting all of your eggs in one basket, right? It’s never a good idea, and the same theory is true with your bag. If you’ve got your laptop, camera, phone, iPod, money, credit card, ID and every other expensive or precious item you own all in one place, then you risk losing it all at the same time, too. If that bag gets stolen or misplaced, you’ll lose whatever is in it. Get a smaller bag and carry only the things you really need.