The Right way to take care of your underarm


Underarms are that part of our body that we take a lot of time and effort to groom and care for even though it is  hidden anyway. Armpits are usually tucked away under our clothes for a long period of time and is only given 110% percent of our attention when we plan to wear something sleeveless. Wearing deodorant every day isn’t really enough to take care of your underarms. Like your face, it need special tender loving care every day to prevent it from darkening and irritation, especially since this area experiences sweating, abrasion and hair growth.
Here are some under arm care tips to help you get smooth and moisturized underarms.
Shower daily: The skin is your body’s largest organ, and washing it frequently will help protect you and your underarms against harmful bacteria, odor, and illness. Use warm water and a mild soap. Be wary of certain foods that can make your sweat smell worse. Foods with strong scents, such as garlic, onions, and spices like curry can contribute to body odour. Other products like coffee and tobacco may also be contributing factors. Limiting how much of these you eat or
use will ultimately keep your underarms feeling and smelling fresh.
•       If you want to determine if a particular food is causing offensive body odour, eliminate it from your diet and see if the problem goes away. If it does not, try eliminating other foods one by one until you determine which one has the effect.
•       Chewing on leafy greens like parsley, or taking wheat grass supplements with meals may also reduce the problem, as these foods are natural deodorizers.
Apply a deodorant after shower to control underarm odour: Deodorants typically work by masking body odour with various scents. One with baking soda as an ingredient will help to neutralize odor greatly. Use an antiperspirant to control sweat and odour. Antiperspirants work
by blocking sweat glands. The lack of moisture from sweat will deter bacterial growth and resultant odour. This means that an antiperspirant will also control odour, while a deodorant alone may only mask it
•       Most antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds. When you apply the deodorant, these compounds block your sweat glands, preventing perspiration. Some research suggests that there may be a link between aluminum and issues like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. Other research draws more mixed conclusions. If you are concerned, talk with your doctor.
Try baking soda:  If you are looking for a more natural or additional preventive, try baking soda as a deodorant. Baking soda will neutralize odors, not simply cover them up. Take approximately an eighth of a teaspoon of baking soda in your hand, then add a few drops of water to make a paste. Once the baking soda is dissolved, simply apply lightly to your underarms.
Shave regularly: This helps underarms dry more quickly, keeping odor down. Many also believe it improves appearance. You can choose an electric razor, a non-electric razor with disposable blades, or a disposable razor.
•       Begin by washing. Shave after showering and drying your underarms. The warmth will open the pores of your skin, making it somewhat easier to remove hair.
•       Apply shaving cream, if desired. Many people prefer to use a shaving cream to make the shaving process easier and to reduce irritation.
Follow the directions your cream supplies, but generally speaking you will only need to apply a thin, even coat.
•       Unscented cream is best, because it lessens chances of irritation and allergic reaction.
•       Carefully use the razor to remove hair from your underarms. Go slowly and carefully, as your underarms are curved and difficult to shave. You do not want to cut or nick your skin in the process. Shaving in the direction that the hair grows will reduce the chance of
razor burn and ingrown hairs.
•       Use a mild astringent afterwards. Apply a mild astringent, such as witch hazel after shaving in order to reduce irritation.
•       Exactly how often you will want to shave depends on how fast your hair grows, your personal preference, and other factors.
•       Replace your razors regularly. It’s time to get a new one when you see an accumulation of waste in the razor. This waste can introduce bacteria to your pores and cause an infection
Change your deodorant if your underarms are irritated or bothersome:  You may have an allergic reaction to a component of a deodorant if you notice persistent itching, redness, swelling, etc. on your underarms. Research has shown that a deodorant containing glycerol and sunflower seed oil can reduce irritation after shaving. If your deodorant does not seem to reduce underarm perspiration or odour, or if you have a reaction to it, talk to a medical professional about stronger or alternative products.
Consult a doctor if you have unusual or persistent symptoms: Sweating, hair growth, odour, and darkening of the skin are all minor issues that normally arise related to underarms. These can be safely taken care of using the steps above. However, if things are out of the ordinary, it
could be a sign of something more serious that needs professional attention.
•       If sweat smells fruity, it could be a sign of diabetes, while liver or kidney disease can cause sweat to smell like bleach. Consult a doctor if you notice an unusual smell or a marked change in smell.
•       Darkening of the skin of the underarms can happen to anyone, but is found more often in people with insulin problems, pituitary problems, certain infections, and a range of other issues. Contact a physician if you are concerned or if the darkening arises with symptoms of
another problem. Proper care of your underarm gives you the confidence to wear anything and go anywhere with your head held high.