Hajiya Maryam Sani Abacha

“The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on.”-Walter Lippmann.

“The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness of its leaders to rise to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of true leadership”. (Chinua Achebe, distinguished Nigerian writer,1983).

When during the five year Abacha’s administration ,we celebrated the achievements of the Millennium by commemorating Her Excellency, Dr.Mrs.Maryam Sani Abacha (MSA/INNA) legendary feat towards the upliftment of Nigerian families, little did we or anyone else know then that what we were doing was to be a mere tip of the iceberg.

Today 24 years later, we all look back with hindsight to conclude that Nigeria was at that time being offered nothing more than an appetizer from this most indefatigable of its daughters.For,what we see today is a clear testimony of the fact that our Nigerian Families-with the FSP/FEAP and Peace Mission could have come of age in terms, not only of infrastructural, rural and economic development, but also educational, social and political transformation.

As 10th First Lady She fashioned a unique image of herself and the office she occupies by initiating far reaching socio-economic and moral programmes that were designed to help heal the country and return hope to the generality of the people.

A woman of many parts who has quietly but gloriously made a mark on virtually every sphere of our national life, Dr.Mrs.Maryam Sani Abacha turned her office into an instrument of massive and strident advocacy dealing with everything that needed attention and public reform and socio-economic redress.

Thus, she has been in the forefront of the campaign for the resuscitation of the Nigerian families, for more resources to be channeled to the poor and needy and for greater medical care for women and Children. She gave a boost to the AIDS, Immunization of Children, Campaigns against domestic violence, disability, destitution and street begging, promoting of culture and tradition.

Domestic and international peace did not escape her tireless endeavours, nor government policies relating to women which saw to the establishment of a Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development in all states of the federation.

Now, it would amount to blowing our own trumpets’ if I were to itemize all the achievements of this Nigeria’s 10th First Lady, Pioneer leader, Africa First Ladies, Peace Mission and also funder/President, Sani & Maryam Abacha Support Foundation.

As we celebrate this anniversary of MSA/INNA’s 75th Birthday, We wish Her all the best .

Mal. Saleh Ibrahim:PA to Former First Lady, H.E.Dr.Mrs.Maryam Sani Abacha