Truth About Fungal Infection


Fungal infection is a common skin infection that is caused by a type of fungus called Tinea. The fungus thrives in warm, moist areas of the body and as a result, infection can affect the genitals, inner thighs and buttocks. In other words, fungal infections occur when an invading fungus takes over an area of the body and is too much for the immune system to handle.
Fungi can live in the air, soil, water and plants. There are also fungi that live naturally in the human body like many microbes. There are helpful fungi and harmful fungi. When harmful fungi invade the body, they can be difficult to kill, as they can survive in the environment and re-infect the person trying to get rid of it.
Fungi infections are classified into four, which include, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, jock itch and ringworm. Most fungal skin infections can be treated with over the counter medication, while severe infections may require additional methods.
Fungal infection symptoms may include itching, swelling around the affected area and burning sensation during urination or sex, and for vaginal yeast infection; soreness, redness in the affected areas, rash and vaginal discharge.
Usually, the length of time fungal infection is left untreated has a direct impact on how severe your symptoms may become.
However, vaginal yeast infection can be treated with natural remedies which may include; coconut oil, tea tree oil cream, garlic, plain yogurt taken orally or inserted into the vaginal cavity. Always make sure your hands are clean before applying creams or oils to the affected area. You may also want to talk to a doctor before trying natural remedies.
A number of factors can contribute towards causing a fungal infection. Although these variables can change depending on the type of fungal infection that you are suffering from, there are some overall issues that are responsible for fungal reproduction which are; weak immune system, poor nutrition, stress, obesity, physical contact with contagions, medication and too much intake of antibiotics, which make the immune system weak and unable to fight and prevent the body from being infected.
Fungal infections are generally treated using antifungal medicines, which may come in the form of creams, sprays, solutions, tablets, shampoos, oral medications or injections. Serious fungal infections may require several months of treatment.
Fungal infections can be prevented by eating a well-balanced diet or taking supplements.
It is always best to notify a doctor at the first sign of infection to avoid possible serious complications.

By Mercy Kukah