The home is one of the most important spaces in a person’s life because it’s where we stay the most, rest and get together with family , guests as well as friends. The home is a pillar of life, so we have to take care of it and give it the respect that it deserves. So, how can you make your home a comfortable and beautiful place to live. And also our offices is a place where we work and interact with different people from different walks of life. That too deserves a special card and attention .

I think both the office and our houses deserve our attention . We need to make them comfortable and somewhat classy for our personal enjoyment as well as for the comfort of other people that may come to visit .Flowers are natural plants and is sold every where and can also be planted in almost every place . Although some flowers can only be grown in a particular vegetation but many types are available to beauty your home in whatever part of the world you are .

When it comes to beautifying up a house seeing a flower vase , and especially if a person makes the decoration from the front door of a house to inside the parlour, at the corridor and inside the room. Flowers help to create environments that are full of colour and vitality.

Flower vase have different types, some are made of ceramic, while some made from clay and others made from plastics and or glass . Whichever you choose from can be absolutely perfect depending on on how you mix and match the colours in decorating your home . In choosing your pots or vase make sure you select the right piece for the right corner . Also select indoor flowers with the advise of a professional for indoor use and outdoor for outdoors use . Because if you put indoor flowers outdoor , it may be killed by rays in the sun and if you keep outdoor flowers inside , it would die of not having enough sunlight and or carbon dioxide.


Other benefits of flowers to the house apart from beautification are : they look fresh, so they actually freshen the air as well! In addition to that the flowers has scents. People often choose the ones to soothed their choice of scents, such as roses. Flowers also help improve people’s mood and maintain a relaxed atmosphere as well as humidify the house .

Talking about flowers and office; , regardless of one office setting, where business meetings often take place, the visible presence of some colourful few vase of flowers would certainly improve the look of the place . Also it’s very wise to decorate the reception area with flowers. The reception area can be considered as the physical manifestation of owner of the office because it is the first thing your guests will see when they come in . Therefore, if this place is been decorated with beautiful flower verses and with beautiful flowers inside the vase , that alone may instigate your clients emotions and persuade them to decide right then and there whether they want to do business with you, regardless of your actual competency.

Nature is beautiful , let’s decorate our houses with flowers, nurture them . They are living things too. Caring for them can give you great pleasure🥺 and is rewarding.