Dark lips can be triggered by skin disorders, chemical and other lifestyle factors. Also medically it’s been proven that skin lightening products and some bad cosmetics can cause similar reactions.
Dark lips can be caused by a lot of factors ranging from personal hygiene, diet and other factors .The lips tend to be naturally lighter in some area as the melanin on that part of the lip is way less compared to the rest of the body.
These two home remedies work if you want lighter lips or bright pink lips that’s is smooth and soft :
1. With Beetroot

– Squeeze out juice from fresh beetroot
– Apply by massaging gently on clean lips just before bed to be left overnight
– Wash off the next morning
– Repeat this daily at night
2. With Lemon

Lemon works well for lightening. It works to lighten the skin naturally as well as a treatment for dark spots.
Squeeze lemon to get out the juice
Apply the juice on clean lips just before bedtime
-Use this everyday till you get desired result