Hate speech is a Speech that is intended to offend, insult, intimidate, or threaten an individual or group based on a trait or attribute, such as sexual orientation, religion, color, gender, or disability.
Hate speech is a talk that attacks an individual or a specific group based on a protected attribute such as the target’s sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, color, or country of origin. Some countries consider hate speech to be a crime, because it encourages discrimination, intimidation, and violence toward the group or individual being targeted.

Hate speech is spoken words that are offensive, insulting, and/or threatening to an individual or group based on a particular attribute of that person or persons being targeted. Targeted attributes include such traits as ethnic background, sexual orientation, race, or disability, though there are other target attributes.
Unfortunately, defending freedom of speech means defending any and all speech equally, even that which may be regarded as unbearably offensive. Examples of hate speech include name-calling (which is very common in this country Nigeria) and racial slurs, though burning of Bibles and churches are called into question as to whether or not they are truly examples of hate speech, or if they are nothing more than an act that are given a negative connotation from the situation in which they are used.

Hate Speech Law in Nigeria – with the advent of social media, the issue of offensive and threatening speech has become a national problem. If the Federal Government had its way, hate speeches will henceforth be classified as terrorist activity and offenders will be punished by a proposed law of the land. Hate speeches are dangerous. Often, they start as an idea by one person or a group. Gradually through repetition and dissemination, the arcane view is reinforced and acted upon. That is the reason every hate speech must be taken seriously and dealt with according to extant laws. Sadly, there is no evidence that the youth groups which issued the deadly threat to Igbo citizens living in the North have been invited and queried by security forces. This has given impetus to more threats and counter-threats. The security forces should not give the impression that some persons are free to threaten the state without any consequences.