Know When to Call Your Gynecologist


A gynaecologist is a doctor who focuses on women’s reproductive health. They check your body to make sure that your reproductive system is healthy and they help you avoid problems in the future. Visiting a gynaecologist means you are taking responsibility for your body. Many women think that pregnancy is the number one reason that prompts them to see a gynaecologist, however there are many other issues that women may face that need to be checked by their gynaecologist.

Women today are shy to take a trip to the gynaecologist because a visit to the gynaecologist can be uncomfortable and can include certain processes and procedures which many women would prefer to avoid, and there are some things about your personal life you may not want to discuss with anybody. Believe it or not anytime you visit a gynaecologist, you should feel free to discuss your personal life, when you are open to them, they will be able to identify and help solve your problem.

Visiting a gynaecologist is something every woman should do on a regular basis. It is recommended that girls should begin to see a gynaecologist from the age of 13. Early visit to a gynaecologist will help you understand your body and how to care for it; let the doctor find a problem early so that they can treat it and also explain what a normal vaginal discharge should look like.

Irregular Period – Skipping your period once in a while can be normal but when your period skips frequently, it becomes very important for you to see the gynaecologist. It could be an indication that you have a problem with your reproductive system. Occasional missing of period can be linked to emotional stress, eating disorders, excessive weight loss or gain, breastfeeding and some kind of other illness, too much traveling, use of unsuitable birth control medication and illegal drugs, hormonal imbalance too can trigger this problem. When you miss you period frequently, do see your gynaecologist to find out the exact cause and provide medical assistance immediately.

Urinary Issues – Frequent trip to the bathroom, more than normal should prompt you to visit your gynaecologist. It can be a sign of a urinary tract infection, a strong urge and persistent feelings of urinating, passing out frequent but small amount of urine, pain or burning sensation during urination, when this is noticed, visit your gynaecologist, because early diagnosis can save your life.

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge – It is common for women to discover slight vaginal discharge especially between menstrual cycles. It is part of the body process of cleaning the vagina and cervix. Vaginal discharge increases when you are ovulating, breastfeeding or sexually aroused; all these are normal in women, but when you notice changes in colour, odour and quantity of vaginal discharge, see a gynaecologist.

Unusual Heavy Bleeding – Bleeding is considered heavy when you change sanitary pad after every two ; within 24 hours, it suddenly becomes painful and prolonged. When this happens, a visit to the gynaecologist will do you good.

Lumps in the Breast – you must not ignore lumps in your breast or underarm area. They can be sign of breast cancer, the most common form of cancer among women. If the lumps last for about two to three weeks, see a gynaecologist.

As a woman, it is advisable to do monthly breast self-examination. During the examination, look and feel for any visible lumps, swelling, redness, rashes and any discharge from the nipples. In addition, a healthcare provider should do a complete breast examination every three years.

Vagina Odour – Strong vagina odour is a very common problem that prompts a woman to visit her gynaecologist. Slight vagina odour is normal, but a strong odour like a fishy smell may indicate a problem. It can be very embarrassing. It can be caused by bacteria growth, yeast infections, poor hygiene, hormonal changes and sexually transmitted diseases. Vaginal odour can be treated and managed once diagnosed by a gynaecologist.

Excessive Sweating – Excessive sweating as well as hot flashes can be a sign of premonopause, the period when a woman moves closer to menopause; other accompanying signs and systems may include irregular periods, vagina dryness, mood swings and sleep disturbances. So when you are at the age of 40 and you experience sweating without any reasonable trigger, see your gynaecologist. It can be when you are awake or asleep. Seeing a gynaecologist will help find out the main cause and the best treatment.

By: Mercy Kukah