Would you leave your partner because of mouth odor known in Hausa as  “Warin baki”?

Have you ever thought about certain things when thinking about picking a partner for yourself? Usually people talk about specific qualities they look out for when picking a partner. Things like he/she must be handsome/beautiful/ have a great sense of humor, dress and smell nicely, and a whole lot.
But have you ever thought of falling in love with someone who has all the following qualities mentioned above but suffers from “Halitosis” also known as mouth odor ? Now when I say mouth odor am not talking about the normal early morning smell you experience before brushing, or the foul smell you perceive once in a while when you eat some certain kind of foods.
Am talking about the real mouth odor (pardon my naughtiness)
So let’s talk intimacy first:  Intimacy between spouses, especially in the modern world, is not complete without the act of whispering some sweet loving words into each other’s ears accompanied by passionate pecks or kisses. But if all of a sudden, one of the partners is afflicted with halitosis (mouth odor) such intimacy maybe strain because people are very sensitive to smell. Some mouth odor can be so bad that the moment the person talks; the whole room will be filled with an awful stench. Will halitosis (mouth odor) make you leave your partner? So I decided to ask some of our frequent readers what their views are on the topic and  they have this to say, read on!!!
Aisha Tijani: who is a banker said “definitely I will leave him because mouth odor is a very serious health issue. “I won’t be able to kiss him or even come close to him, especially if the  smell is unbearable. But if he is my husband I will have to endure, and try as much as possible to find a solution to the problem. Marriage is for better and for worse so I have to stick with him and help him get rid of it”.
Amirah: on the other hand, said; quitting the relationship is a crazy thing to do just because my spouse is having mouth odor. “There are medications out there that can solve the problem and I will make sure that I find the drugs even if it means me spending all my life savings to cure him . Once you love someone with all your heart, you just have to prove it”.
 Victoria: on the other hand, said yes!  she will leave her spouse. “I was in a relationship with someone that has mouth odor and just had to leave”. When asked why she left, Victoria said she just couldn’t stand the smell that was coming out from his mouth. He might feel offended or even think I am insulting him so I just had to call off the relationship.
Lami: Why will I leave my man simply because he is having mouth odor? I will try as much as possible to see that I can get rid of the smell by helping him to see a doctor and also getting mouth wash. If he gets angry and pick fight with me because I told him of the odor, then I will have no other option than to leave him. But if we are married I won’t leave him, rather we will work it out together and get rid of the odor.
Maryam: “Well, yes I will leave him because I can’t stand the smell that will be coming out from his mouth. Mouth odor is a chronic health problem and it will make me feel uncomfortable around him. It can also be very embarrassing in the sense that I can’t have him speak in front of my parents or even friends. Honestly for me, love is not enough.
Sani: who is a medical doctor with Asokoro General Hospital said when you fall in love, fall in love whole heartedly regardless of what may. For Sani he said “I will stick with my spouse and together we will overcome the mouth odor problem ” Halitosis can be treated and cured if the right medical solutions are administered correctly . It would only take time and patience.
So going through all of the responses and views of the people on this article, what is your own view concerning todays topic?
Would you stay with your spouse and help out? Or would you rather walk away and find someone else? I will be patiently waiting to hear your views. Kindly drop your comments on the comment section below. 👇BY MAIMUNA BAGUDU