Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Simple Makeup Tips for Ladies with Petite Lips

Ladies always pay extra attention when it comes to their looks. A lady can go an extra mile to spend a lot of money...

Beauty Trend: Eyebrow Wigs!

So, I was doing a research on makeup innovations in recent times and I came across many different new and amazing beauty innovations promising...

Eating for Beauty

“Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabric of your body as well. The healthier the...

Beauty Trend: “The Lobe Lift”

For a long, long time, people have been coming up with new and creative ways to “fix” everything they perceive to be wrong with...

Simple and Effective Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

Practice Good Skin Care Basics “Wrinkles mainly happen on the paths of the body that get the most sun exposure including the face, neck, the...

Amazing herbal beauty products you should try

There should be a balance between living a healthy and beautiful lifestyle. Unfortunately, a lot of people out there are striving to be beautiful...

Leg Jewellery: Fashion, Science or Myth?

Leg Jewellery: Fashion, Science or Myth? Wearing of leg jewelleries (toe rings and ankle chains) has been in practiced for centuries, especially in India where...


Co-washing is the process or method of washing your hair with conditioner only. It means skipping shampoo and relying solely on conditioner for daily,...

Ways to care for your feet.

Your feet is workhorse of our body deserves to be given the utmost respect. It’s so easy to take our feet for granted, most...

Foods that Can Compromise Your Smile

Nothing better expresses confidence than a large and bright smile, but if your teeth were not healthy and white, as you would love them...