Natural ways of inducing Labour
Your due date is a calculated guess for when your baby might make its arrival. While many women deliver perfectly healthy babies two weeks...
When it comes to choosing a career, people are given all kinds of awful advice, including: “Choose the prestigious career, choose the career that...
Kurakurai guda 3 da ya kamata iyaye su guji aikatawa yayin horar da ‘ya’yansu
Yawancin iyaye a zamanin yanzu suna rainon ƴaƴan su da tunani mai tsauri wanda a ƙarshe yake sa su ga rayuwa a matsayin da...
Fruits that can cause death in children when eaten together
Fruits contain digestive enzymes, which clean out the residue left from the previously eaten food. Within an hour, the fruits travel through the digestive...
5 Things You Really Need To Stop Doing For Your Kids
Your kids are your lifeblood, and you will do anything for them just to make them happy. You will even decide to go out...
A Day at the Spa… For Your Baby!
I recently got wind of a spa in Australia. Not an ordinary spa, but a special one. What makes this spa so special and...
Some Unknown Dangers of Allowing Your Child to Use Mobile Gadgets
Before the evolution of the electronics or mobile gadgets, children were used to engaging themselves in a lot of activities that would add value...
The Teenage Flu
Teens face real problems in their everyday lives. During this time, they are exposed to overwhelming struggles. I guess I can say I made...
Remarkable ways to Communicate with your baby in the womb
Waiting nine months to meet your unborn baby can feel like an eternity, but you don’t have to wait until birth to bond with...
Egg Yolk – The Perfect First Food for Baby
First breast milk immediately after birth contains more nutrients and brain building substance than any solid food. Breast milk should be the main source...